13 ottobre 2015

Ci siamo!
ANUBI di Marco Taddei e Simone Angelini (Grrrz Comic Art Books 2015)
320 pag., in prevendita a soli 10 €, approfittane!
clicca qui : http://www.grrrz.com/prodotto/taddei-angelini-anubi

Ha il frigo vuoto. Vive di Campari. Non torna in Egitto da secoli. E frequenta sociopatici. Né uomo, né dio, né cane, Anubi non è neanche morto. Come può ridursi un dio dopo l’abbandono dei mortali? E quanti dei servono per avvitare una lampadina?
- Il comunicato stampa e le prime 45 pagine su Fumettologica.it
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30 settembre 2015


ANUBI di Marco Taddei e Simone Angelini
(Grrrz Comic Art Books 2015) - grrrz.com
in preordine dal 13/10.
Ha il frigo vuoto. Vive di Campari. Non torna in Egitto da secoli. E frequenta sociopatici. Né uomo, né dio, né cane, Anubi non è neanche morto. Come può ridursi un dio dopo l’abbandono dei mortali? E quanti dei servono per avvitare una lampadina?
- Il comunicato stampa e le prime 45 pagine su Fumettologica.it
- Pagina Facebook

- Tumblr

30 luglio 2015

Atomic Rocket Comics

In questo mondo di Coverbands, ci sono Francesco Brunotti e Roberto Papi che da novelli Stan Lee e Jack Kirby provano a creare un universo originale chiamato Atomic Rocket Comics.
Spiegano tutto il loro progetto qui: http://www.lospaziobianco.it/158556-atomic-rocket-comics-un…
In basso una delle due tavole di The White Demon che mi hanno commissionato, un White Demon coverband di Kriminal.Nel progetto sono coinvolti Massimo Giacon, Squaz, Marco Galli, Sergio Ponchione, Sergio Varbella, Mattia Iacono, Paolo Leandri, Leonardo Colapietro, Officina Infernale, Christian G. Marra, Spugna e Samuel Guerrero.

06 luglio 2015

Your chicken enemy (usa review)

from Your chicken enemy

Those Types of Tales: Reviewing SHORT AND MERCILESS STORIES by Marco Taddei and Simone Angelini

by Daniel Elkin

The scariest stories are the ones we tell ourselves all the time. You know, the ones about how everything is going to be alright, how the universe makes sense, how life is worth living.
You know, those stories of hope. The lies. The one's that get us out of bed in the morning. Make us put on clothes.
It's rare that a book lives up to its title as well as Marco Taddei and Simone Angelini's Short and Merciless Stories does. In 110 black and white pages, Taddei and Angelini tell eight stories revolving around misery, isolation, insanity, philosophical ambiguity, and Facebook. Each one is brutal, savage, engaging, and, in the way that we laugh at other people's misery, funny.
In his introduction to this book, Noah Van Sciver says, “Sure, these stories are grim and dark, but they're also incredibly light.” Van Sciver owes much of this to Angelini's artwork, “skilled, uncluttered, and appealing”, and this is true to a great extent. But much of the credit should also go to Taddei's writing (not to mention Davide Gentile and Erin Dwight's translation from the original Italian). These are stories that rely heavily on timing and nuance as much as narrative, and if either one of these is off, the stories would veer into abnegation over the absurd celebration they are meant to be.
And as horrible as these stories are (and they are merciless as their title suggests), they are not off-putting in any way. Taddei and Angelini seem to have simpatico. Their interchange between words and pictures works to transcend horror and make their stories into what amounts to be a shiny gift for the pessimist, lifting the corners of the mouth into a smile while pummeling the paunch with the inanity and incongruity of life.
Bits like “The Story of the Marble”, in which a man has the power to transform people into knick knacks and how this rules his life but in death leads to nothing; “The Story of Oscar's Mother”, which tries to explain the unexplainable by providing no explanation at all; or “The Story of Enrico's Head”, which sets forth an unbelievable premise and then wraps it back upon itself, all echo the great parts of something like The Twilight Zone in that they are inexorable while being entertaining. At their core, these stories are profoundly negative, yet through the art of Taddei and Angelini, they are pleasant and engaging.
Which is no mean feat. This sort of art may actually be the hardest to create, but, when pulled off, is graceful and magnificent.

It is only fitting that this book ends with “The Story with Death” in which Death gives a press junket interview promoting his autobiography, Even Death Has A Heart,where he describes his exhaustion and how he frames his job as an artistic performance. Death gets the last lines in this story. After snorting drugs through a rolled up 20 euro note, he beams, “And we begin again!”
It is inevitable. Death is the final word. There's nothing anyone can do about it.
So you might as well smile.
Short and Merciless Stories is available through Tinto Press

25 giugno 2015

Sensation Boom!

My complete Sensation BOOM Illustration.
There are three of my new characters in it: 3Eddy, Baby Plum and CoolOsso.
Commission for Mr. Enzo Garza
Sensation Boom, the comic with Catastrophic Combustion, Monsters, Ghouls and trouble Et Cetera!! http://www.sensationboom.com

23 giugno 2015

Critica Letteraria

Recensione di B comics su CriticaLetteraria

[...] MALLOY di Marco Taddei e Simone Angelini L'eroe del futuro burocratizzato immaginato dagli impietosi Taddei & Angelini (di cui abbiamo già recensito "Altre storie brevi e senza pietà"), è un gabelliere spaziale armato di spada e astronave che nel corso della storia si trasforma in un tanto improbabile quanto pragmatico creatore dell'Uomo Moderno. Non vanno tanto per il sottile i due autori, e in questa storia fantascientifica piena di inseguimenti e colli spezzati dall'amore, il nostro eroe ha il compito ingrato di incassare da popolazioni ostili i doverosi tributi statali. Malloy risolve il suo problema creando da carne molle e stupido osso una nuova razza di supercontribuenti. [...]

21 aprile 2015

Then it was dark

Then It Was Dark
, paranormal experiences, true ghost stories, friend-of-friend tales and brushes with the unknown. Thanks to Sarah Benkin
Inside "The Call" a real story about exorcism by Wesley Sun and me
More on Bleeding Cool ---> http://www.bleedingcool.com/2014/05/11/then-it-was-then-it-was-dark/

09 aprile 2015

Alien Triste

L'amico Pedro Mancini, fumettista ed illustratore argentino, mi ha chiesto di partecipare alla galleria di rivisitazioni del suo personaggio Alien Triste.

04 aprile 2015

Anubi tutorial

Sto lavorando al nuovo fumetto ANUBI, su sceneggiatura di Marco Taddei.
Esiste un piccolo diario di bordo su questo sito: http://signoranubi.tumblr.com
working on a new comicbook ANUBI, story by Marco Taddei.

23 marzo 2015

Dirty Bites

Dirty Bites vol.5, thanks Paul Steven Frosdick
inside my comic "Il Carico" a great medieval/horror/splatter allegory of Briscola's italian card game!
Dirty Bites Vol.5 is -- John Orlando, Steve Gibson, Bobby Beatroot, Jim Stewart, Simone Angelini, Dave Gordon, Shelly In Space, Eric N. Peterson, Chuck Rogers, Garry Hardman, Gilbert Rodriguez, Ang Lopez, Jon E. lawrence, Jim Beucher, JTW Thinktankrx, Macca Mclaughlin, Simon Stillmatic Nsaka -- (18+)

Book ---> http://www.blurb.com/b/6039652-dirty-bites-vol-5-steve-gibs…
e-book ---> http://store.blurb.com/ebooks/521334-dirty-bites-vol-5

02 gennaio 2015